We know you will enjoy Links Shell Cove golf, feel free to take a tour of any of the holes below and we will see you soon.

Our hardest course derives its name from the hard basalt extracted from the Bass Point quarry that shares a border with the golf course. Operated by Hanson’s as part of the Heidelberg cement group and has been part of the local community since 1880. The team at the quarry has and continues to be a strong supporter of The Links Shell Cove.

As bricks are used as foundations for any strong building, the bricks at The Links Shell Cove are used as a symbol of recognition to those foundation members from the original Shellharbour Golf Club. The brickyard course is used for the majority of our men’s competitions.

Our most popular course for play, The Steelworks tees are used as a symbol to recognise the steel industry and its influence in Wollongong and the greater Illawarra. Many of our members have a personal connection with this industry as employment at the steelworks was a backbone for their families’ settlement in the Illawarra.

The Railyard course is a symbol to the proximity of our course to the now closed “Dunmore Station”. The original sign work from the station can be found situated around the course. This course is also used for the majority of our women’s competitions